bonsai_ipcc.waste.swd package
bonsai_ipcc.waste.swd.elementary module
- bonsai_ipcc.waste.swd.elementary.ch4_emissions(ch4_gen, ox, r)[source]
Equation 3.1 (tier 1)
Calculates the CH4 emissions based on the amount of CH4 that is generated in swdS.
- ch4_gen (Gg/year)float
Generated amount of CH4 for a given year.
- ox (kg/kg)float
oxidation factor.
- r (kg/kg)float
Methane recovery rate. (in guidelines R is a absolut value, instead of a fraction) Assumed to be zero. When providing values, consider uncertainties: +- 10% of def, if meetering in place, +- 50% of def, if no meetering in place.
- returns:
VALUE – CH emissions (Gg/year)
- rtype:
- bonsai_ipcc.waste.swd.elementary.ch4_generated(ddocm, f)[source]
Equation 3.6 (tier 1)
Calculates the generated amount of CH4 from delayed DDOCm. The assumption in tier 1 is that all decomposable DOC is decomposed in the year of dumping.
- ddocm (Gg/year)float
Decomposed DDOCm in a given year.
- f (m3/m3)float
Fraction of CH4 in landfill gas (volume).
- returns:
VALUE – CH4 generated (Gg/year)
- rtype:
- bonsai_ipcc.waste.swd.elementary.co2_emissions_direct(ddocm, f)[source]
Equation 3.x (not explicit in the guidelines, tier 1)
Calculates the direct CO2 emissions from delayed DDOCm. The assumption in tier 1 is that all decomposable DOC is decomposed in the year of dumping.
- ddocm (Gg/year)float
Decomposed DDOCm in a given year.
- f (m3/m3)float
Fraction of CH4 in landfill gas (volume). Assumption that rest is CO2
- returns:
VALUE – CO2 (Gg/year)
- rtype:
- bonsai_ipcc.waste.swd.elementary.co2_emissions_from_ch4(ddocm, f, ox)[source]
Equation 3.x (not explicit in the guidelines, tier 1)
Calculates the indirect CO2 emissions from generated CH4. The assumption in tier 1 is that all decomposable DOC is decomposed in the year of dumping.
- ddocm (Gg/year)float
Decomposed DDOCm in a given year.
- f (m3/m3)float
fraction of ch4 in landfill gas (volume). assumption that rest is co2
- ox (kg/kg)float
oxidation factor.
- r (kg/kg)float
Methane recovery rate. (in guidelines R is a absolut value, instead of a fraction) Assumed to be zero. When providing values, consider uncertainties: +- 10% of def, if meetering in place, +- 50% of def, if no meetering in place.
- returns:
VALUE – CO2 (Gg/year)
- rtype:
- bonsai_ipcc.waste.swd.elementary.ddoc_from_wd_data(waste, doc, doc_f, mcf)[source]
Equation 3.2 (tier 1)
Calculates the decomposable DOC (DDOCm) from waste disposal data.
- waste (Gg)float
Amount of waste (either wet or dry-matter, but attention to DOC!)
- doc (kg/kg)float
fraction of degradable organic carbon in waste.
- doc_f (kg/kg)float
fraction of doc that can decompose.
- mcf (kg/kg)float
CH4 correction factor for aerobic decomposition in the year of decompostion.
- returns:
VALUE – Decomposable DOC (Gg/year)
- rtype:
- bonsai_ipcc.waste.swd.elementary.ddoc_m_decomp_t(ddoc_ma_t_1, k)[source]
Equation 3.5 Calculates DDOCm DECOMPOSED AT THE END OF YEAR T.
- ddoc_ma_t_1 (Gg)float
DDOCm accumulated in the swdS at the end of year (T-1)
- k (1/yr)float
reaction constant k, k=ln(2)/t_1/2 t_1/2 = half-life time
- returns:
VALUE – DDOCm decomposed (Gg/yr)
- rtype:
- bonsai_ipcc.waste.swd.elementary.ddoc_ma_t(ddoc_md_t, ddoc_ma_t_1, k)[source]
Equation 3.4 Calculates DDOCm accumulated in the swdS at the end of year T.
- ddoc_md_t (Gg)float
DDOCm deposited into the swdS in year T.
- ddoc_ma_t_1 (Gg)float
DDOCm accumulated in the swdS at the end of year (T-1)
- k (1/yr)float
reaction constant k, k=ln(2)/t_1/2 t_1/2 = half-life time
- returns:
VALUE – DDOCm accumulated (Gg(yr))
- rtype:
bonsai_ipcc.waste.swd.sequence module
Sequences to determine GHG emissions from solid waste disposal (swd).
- Decision tree for CH4:
- tier 1: FOD method using mainly default activity data and default parameters.
(requirement: swd is not a key category)
- tier 2: FOD method and some default parameters,
but good quality country-specific data on current and historical waste disposal at swds. Historical waste disposal data for 10 years or more should be based on country-specific statistics.
- tier 3: good quality country-specific activity data (see Tier 2) and the use of either the FOD method with
nationally developed key parameters, or (2) measurement derived country-specific parameter.
- Comments on CH4 and N2O:
equations for quantifying C2O emissions are not explicitly provided by IPCC guidelines, since those are of biogenic origin. However, CO2 emissions occur and can be quantified by additionaly provided elementary equations.
methodolgy for N2O emissions is not provided by IPCC guidelines, since those are “not significant”
- bonsai_ipcc.waste.swd.sequence.tier1_ch4(year=2010, region='BG', product='msw_food', wastemoisture='wet', past_years=1, activity='uncharacterised', uncertainty='def')[source]
Template calculation sequence for tier 1 method.
CH4 Emissions in year y, due to waste deposed in past year y-n. Defines a sequence of steps. Each step either calls an elementary equation, calls a parameter, or performs a simple operation like a loop or a conditional. Each step delivers one return value and unit to the list of variables.
- yearint
year under study
- regionstr
region under study
- productstr
Fraction of solid waste.
- wastemoisturestr
‘wet’ or ‘dry’. Specifies if waste amount is measured as dry-matter or wet.
- past_yearsint
number of past years to be considered for waste generation. good practice is 60 years.
- activitystr
Management of solid waste disposal side.
- uncertaintystr
‘analytical’, ‘monte_carlo’ or a property dimension, e.g. ‘def’
- returns:
VALUE – Inlcudes the results of each step of the sequence.
- rtype:
- bonsai_ipcc.waste.swd.sequence.tier1_ch4_prospective(year=2010, region='BG', product='msw_food', wastemoisture='wet', activity='uncharacterised', prospective_years=20, uncertainty='def')[source]
Template calculation sequence for tier 1 method.
CH4 Emissions in prospective years y+n, due to waste deposed in year y. Defines a sequence of steps. Each step either calls an elementary equation, calls a parameter, or performs a simple operation like a loop or a conditional. Each step delivers one return value and unit to the list of variables.
- yearint
year under study
- regionstr
region under study
- productstr
Fraction of solid waste.
- wastemoisturestr
‘wet’ or ‘dry’ Specifies if waste amount is measured as dry-matter or wet.
- activitystr
Management of solid waste disposal side.
- prospective_yearsint
prospective years under study
- uncertaintystr
‘analytical’, ‘monte_carlo’ or a property dimension, e.g. ‘def’
- returns:
VALUE – Inlcudes the results of each step of the sequence.
- rtype:
- bonsai_ipcc.waste.swd.sequence.tier2_ch4(year=2010, region='BG', product='msw_food', wastemoisture='wet', past_years=0, activity='uncharacterised', uncertainty='def')[source]
Template calculation sequence for tier 2 method.
CH4 Emissions in year y, due to waste deposed in past year y-n. Defines a sequence of steps. Each step either calls an elementary equation, calls a parameter, or performs a simple operation like a loop or a conditional. Each step delivers one return value and unit to the list of variables.
- yearint
year under study
- regionstr
region under study
- productstr
Fraction of solid waste.
- wastemoisturestr
‘wet’ or ‘dry’ Specifies if waste amount is measured as dry-matter or wet.
- past_yearsint
number of past years to be considered for waste generation. good practice is 60 years.
- activitystr
Management of solid waste disposal side.
- uncertaintystr
‘analytical’, ‘monte_carlo’ or a property dimension, e.g. ‘def’
- returns:
VALUE – Inlcudes the results of each step of the sequence.
- rtype:
- bonsai_ipcc.waste.swd.sequence.tier2_ch4_prospective(year=2010, region='BG', product='msw_food', wastemoisture='wet', activity='uncharacterised', prospective_years=20, uncertainty='def')[source]
Template calculation sequence for tier 2 method.
CH4 Emissions in prospective years y+n, due to waste deposed in year y. Defines a sequence of steps. Each step either calls an elementary equation, calls a parameter, or performs a simple operation like a loop or a conditional. Each step delivers one return value and unit to the list of variables.
- yearint
year under study
- regionstr
region under study
- productstr
Fraction of solid waste.
- wastemoisturestr
‘wet’ or ‘dry’ Specifies if waste amount is measured as dry-matter or wet.
- activitystr
Management of solid waste disposal side.
- prospective_yearsint
prospective years under study
- uncertaintystr
‘analytical’, ‘monte_carlo’ or a property dimension, e.g. ‘def’
- returns:
VALUE – Inlcudes the results of each step of the sequence.
- rtype:
- bonsai_ipcc.waste.swd.sequence.tier3_ch4(year=2010, region='BG', product='msw_food', wastemoisture='wet', past_years=0, activity='uncharacterised', uncertainty='def')[source]
Template calculation sequence for tier 3 method.
CH4 Emissions in year y, due to waste deposed in past year y-n. Defines a sequence of steps. Each step either calls an elementary equation, calls a parameter, or performs a simple operation like a loop or a conditional. Each step delivers one return value and unit to the list of variables.
- yearint
year under study
- regionstr
region under study
- productstr
Fraction of solid waste.
- wastemoisturestr
‘wet’ or ‘dry’ Specifies if waste amount is measured as dry-matter or wet.
- past_yearsint
number of past years to be considered for waste generation. good practice is 60 years.
- activitystr
Management of solid waste disposal side.
- uncertaintystr
‘analytical’, ‘monte_carlo’ or a property dimension, e.g. ‘def’
- returns:
VALUE – Inlcudes the results of each step of the sequence.
- rtype:
- bonsai_ipcc.waste.swd.sequence.tier3_ch4_prospective(year=2010, region='BG', product='msw_food', wastemoisture='wet', activity='uncharacterised', prospective_years=20, uncertainty='def')[source]
Template calculation sequence for tier 3 method.
CH4 Emissions in prospective years y+n, due to waste deposed in year y. Defines a sequence of steps. Each step either calls an elementary equation, calls a parameter, or performs a simple operation like a loop or a conditional. Each step delivers one return value and unit to the list of variables.
- yearint
year under study
- regionstr
region under study
- productstr
Fraction of solid waste.
- wastemoisturestr
‘wet’ or ‘dry’ Specifies if waste amount is measured as dry-matter or wet.
- activitystr
Management of solid waste disposal side.
- prospective_yearsint
prospective years under study
- uncertaintystr
‘analytical’, ‘monte_carlo’ or a property dimension, e.g. ‘def’
- returns:
VALUE – Inlcudes the results of each step of the sequence.
- rtype: