Source code for bonsai_ipcc.waste.swd.elementary

import math

import numpy as np
from uncertainties.umath import exp as uexp

from ..waste_generation.elementary import (

[docs] def ddoc_from_wd_data(waste, doc, doc_f, mcf): """ Equation 3.2 (tier 1) Calculates the decomposable DOC (DDOCm) from waste disposal data. Argument -------- waste (Gg) : float Amount of waste (either wet or dry-matter, but attention to DOC!) doc (kg/kg) : float fraction of degradable organic carbon in waste. doc_f (kg/kg) : float fraction of doc that can decompose. mcf (kg/kg) : float CH4 correction factor for aerobic decomposition in the year of decompostion. Returns ------- VALUE: float Decomposable DOC (Gg/year) """ ddoc_from_wd_data = waste * doc * doc_f * mcf return ddoc_from_wd_data
[docs] def ch4_generated(ddocm, f): """ Equation 3.6 (tier 1) Calculates the generated amount of CH4 from delayed DDOCm. The assumption in tier 1 is that all decomposable DOC is decomposed in the year of dumping. Argument -------- ddocm (Gg/year) : float Decomposed DDOCm in a given year. f (m3/m3) : float Fraction of CH4 in landfill gas (volume). Returns ------- VALUE: float CH4 generated (Gg/year) """ # F = 0.5 # fraction of CH4 by volume, in generated landfill gas ch4_generated = ddocm * f * 16 / 12 return ch4_generated
[docs] def ch4_emissions(ch4_gen, ox, r): """ Equation 3.1 (tier 1) Calculates the CH4 emissions based on the amount of CH4 that is generated in swdS. Argument -------- ch4_gen (Gg/year) : float Generated amount of CH4 for a given year. ox (kg/kg) : float oxidation factor. r (kg/kg) : float Methane recovery rate. (in guidelines R is a absolut value, instead of a fraction) Assumed to be zero. When providing values, consider uncertainties: +- 10% of def, if meetering in place, +- 50% of def, if no meetering in place. Returns ------- VALUE: float CH emissions (Gg/year) """ # R = 0.0 # fraction of CH4 that is recovered ch4_emissions = (ch4_gen - (ch4_gen * r)) * (1 - ox) return ch4_emissions
[docs] def co2_emissions_direct(ddocm, f): """ Equation 3.x (not explicit in the guidelines, tier 1) Calculates the direct CO2 emissions from delayed DDOCm. The assumption in tier 1 is that all decomposable DOC is decomposed in the year of dumping. Argument -------- ddocm (Gg/year) : float Decomposed DDOCm in a given year. f (m3/m3) : float Fraction of CH4 in landfill gas (volume). Assumption that rest is CO2 Returns ------- VALUE: float CO2 (Gg/year) """ # F = 0.5 # fraction of CH4 by volume, in generated landfill gas co2_emissions_direct = ddocm * (1 - f) * 44 / 12 return co2_emissions_direct
[docs] def co2_emissions_from_ch4(ddocm, f, ox): """ Equation 3.x (not explicit in the guidelines, tier 1) Calculates the indirect CO2 emissions from generated CH4. The assumption in tier 1 is that all decomposable DOC is decomposed in the year of dumping. Argument -------- ddocm (Gg/year) : float Decomposed DDOCm in a given year. f (m3/m3) : float fraction of ch4 in landfill gas (volume). assumption that rest is co2 ox (kg/kg) : float oxidation factor. r (kg/kg) : float Methane recovery rate. (in guidelines R is a absolut value, instead of a fraction) Assumed to be zero. When providing values, consider uncertainties: +- 10% of def, if meetering in place, +- 50% of def, if no meetering in place. Returns ------- VALUE: float CO2 (Gg/year) """ # F = 0.5 # fraction of CH4 by volume, in generated landfill gas ch4_gen = ddocm * f * 16 / 12 co2_emissions_from_ch4 = ch4_gen * ox * 12 / 16 * 44 / 12 return co2_emissions_from_ch4
[docs] def ddoc_m_decomp_t(ddoc_ma_t_1, k): """ Equation 3.5 Calculates DDOCm DECOMPOSED AT THE END OF YEAR T. Argument -------- ddoc_ma_t_1 (Gg) : float DDOCm accumulated in the swdS at the end of year (T-1) k (1/yr) : float reaction constant k, k=ln(2)/t_1/2 t_1/2 = half-life time Returns ------- VALUE: float DDOCm decomposed (Gg/yr) """ try: # equation for type(k) = float ddoc_m_decomp_t = ddoc_ma_t_1 * (1 - math.exp(-k)) except TypeError: try: # for type(k) = ufloat ddoc_m_decomp_t = ddoc_ma_t_1 * (1 - uexp(-k)) except TypeError: # for type(k) = np.array ddoc_m_decomp_t = ddoc_ma_t_1 * (1 - np.exp(-k)) return ddoc_m_decomp_t
[docs] def ddoc_ma_t(ddoc_md_t, ddoc_ma_t_1, k): """ Equation 3.4 Calculates DDOCm accumulated in the swdS at the end of year T. Argument -------- ddoc_md_t (Gg) : float DDOCm deposited into the swdS in year T. ddoc_ma_t_1 (Gg) : float DDOCm accumulated in the swdS at the end of year (T-1) k (1/yr) : float reaction constant k, k=ln(2)/t_1/2 t_1/2 = half-life time Returns ------- VALUE: float DDOCm accumulated (Gg(yr)) """ try: # equation for type(k) = float ddoc_ma_t = ddoc_md_t + (ddoc_ma_t_1 * math.exp(-k)) except TypeError: try: # for type(k) = ufloat ddoc_ma_t = ddoc_md_t + (ddoc_ma_t_1 * uexp(-k)) except TypeError: # for type(k) = np.array ddoc_ma_t = ddoc_md_t + (ddoc_ma_t_1 * np.exp(-k)) return ddoc_ma_t