Source code for bonsai_ipcc.waste.waste_generation.elementary

[docs] def msw_to_swds(urb_population, msw_gen_rate, msw_frac_to_swds, msw_type_frac): """ Equation 2.x (not explicit in guidelines, tier 1) Calculates the amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) disposed to solid waste disposal sites (swdS), by using default data from chapter 2 (Waste Generation, Composition amd Management). Argument -------- urb_population (cap/year) : float Urban population of a region in a given year. msw_gen_rate (t/cap) : float rate of municipal solid waste per capita. msw_frac_to_swds (kg/kg) : float fraction of waste disposed to swds in municipal solid waste. msw_frac (kg/kg) : float Fraction of waste type in municipal solid waste. Returns ------- VALUE: float amount of certain MSW type sent to swdS (tonnes/year) """ msw_to_swds = urb_population * msw_gen_rate * msw_frac_to_swds * msw_type_frac return msw_to_swds
[docs] def msw_to_incin(urb_population, msw_gen_rate, msw_frac_to_incin, msw_type_frac): """ Equation 2.y (not explicit in guidelines, tier 1) Calculates the amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) disposed to incineration sites, by using default data from chapter 2 (Waste Generation, Composition amd Management). Argument -------- urb_population (cap/year) : float Urban population of a region in a given year. msw_gen_rate (t/cap) : float rate of municipal solid waste per capita. msw_frac_to_incin (kg/kg) : float Fraction of waste disposed to incineration in municipal solid waste. Returns ------- VALUE: float amount of certain MSW type which is incinerated (tonnes/year) """ msw_to_incin = urb_population * msw_gen_rate * msw_frac_to_incin * msw_type_frac return msw_to_incin
[docs] def msw_open_burned(total_population, p_frac, msw_gen_rate, b_frac, msw_type_frac): """ Equation 5.7 (has been removed from chapter 5) Calculates the amount of MSW that is open-burned. Slightly modified compared to original equation. Argument -------- population (cap/year) : float total poulation in a region p_frac (cap/cap) : float Fraction of capita that burnes waste. msw_gen_rate (t/cap) : float msw generation per capita. b_frac (kg/kg) : float fraction of waste that is burned relative to total amount of waste. msw_type_frac (kg/kg) : float Fraction of waste type in MSW. Returns ------- VALUE: float amount of certain MSW type which is open burned (Gg/year) """ msw_open_burned = ( total_population * p_frac * msw_gen_rate * b_frac * msw_type_frac * 0.001 ) return msw_open_burned
[docs] def msw_to_biotreat( urb_population, msw_gen_rate, msw_frac_to_biotreat, msw_type_frac_bio ): """ Equation 2.z (not explicit in guidelines, tier 1) Calculates the amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) that is composted, by using default data from chapter 2 (Waste Generation, Composition amd Management). Argument -------- urb_population (cap/year) : float Urban population of a region in a given year. msw_gen_rate (t/cap) : float rate of municipal solid waste per capita. msw_frac_to_compost (kg/kg) : float fraction of waste in municipal solid waste which is composted. msw_type_frac_bio (kg/kg) : float Fraction of biodegradable waste type. (e.g. food, garden, wood and paper fractions) Returns ------- VALUE: float amount of certain MSW type which is composted (tonnes/year) """ msw_to_biotreat = ( urb_population * msw_gen_rate * msw_frac_to_biotreat * msw_type_frac_bio ) return msw_to_biotreat
[docs] def ww_domestic(p, bod): """ Equation 6.3 (has been removed from chapter 6) Calculates domestic wastewater amount, expressd as total organically degradable material in domestic wastewater (TOW). Argument -------- p (cap) : float country population in inventory year (person) bod (g/cap/day) : float country-specific per capita BOD in inventory year Returns ------- VALUE: float total organics in wastewater TOW (kg/year) """ ww_domestic = p * bod * 0.001 * 365 return ww_domestic
[docs] def ww_industrial(p, w, cod): """ Equation 6.6 (has been removed from chapter 6) Calculates industrial wastewater amount, expressed as total organically degradable material in domestic wastewater (TOW). Argument -------- p (t/yr) : float total industrial product output of the sector w (m3/t) : float wastewater generated m3/t cod (kg/m3) : float chemical oxygen demand (industrial degradable organic component in wastewater) Returns ------- VALUE: float total organics in wastewater TOW (kg/year) """ ww_industrial = p * w * cod return ww_industrial
[docs] def waste_to_treatment(waste, treatmentrate): """ Equation 2.x (not explicit in the guidelines). Allocates the total generated amount of waste to a treatment technology. Argument -------- waste (Gg/year) : float total amount of waste type treatmentrate (kg/kg) : float ratio of a certain treatment route (e.g 'incineration', 'swd', 'biological') Returns ------- VALUE : float amount of waste that is treated in a treatment route (Gg/year) """ waste_to_treatment = waste * treatmentrate return waste_to_treatment
[docs] def waste_to_technology(waste, technologyrate): """ Equation 2.x (not explicit in the guidelines). Allocates the total generated amount of waste to a treatment technology. Argument -------- waste (Gg/year) : float total amount of waste type technologyrate (kg/kg) : float ratio of a certain technology within a treatment route (e.g 'continous' in incineration) Returns ------- VALUE : float amount of waste that is treated by a technology (Gg/year) """ waste_to_technology = waste * technologyrate return waste_to_technology
[docs] def isw_total(gdp, waste_gen_rate): """ Equation 2.x (not explicit in the guidelines, tier 1). Estimates total indsutrial solid waste based on GDP. Argument -------- gdp (MUSD/year) : float Gross domestic product of a region in Million US Dollar waste_gen_rate (Gg/MUSD) : float waste generation rate Returns ------- VALUE : float amount of solid industrial waste (Gg/year) """ isw_total = gdp * waste_gen_rate return isw_total
[docs] def biogenic_frac(fossil_C, total_C): """ Equation 2.x (not explicit in the guidelines, tier 1). Estimates biogenic waste fraction based Carbon content. Argument -------- total_C (kg/kg) : float total Carbon per waste type fossil carbon (kg/kg) : float fossil Carbon per waste type Returns ------- VALUE : float biogenic fraction of waste (kg/kg) """ biogenic_frac = (total_C - fossil_C) / total_C return biogenic_frac
[docs] def isw_to_incin(isw_total, isw_type_frac, isw_frac_to_incin): """ Equation 2.y (not explicit in guidelines, tier 1) Calculates the amount of industrial solid waste (ISW) disposed to incineration sites. Argument -------- isw_total (Gg/year) : float Total industrial solid waste. isw_type_frac (t/t) : float fraction of total industrial waste. isw_frac_to_incin (t/t) : float fraction that goes to incineration. Returns ------- VALUE: float amount of certain industrial solid waste type which is incinerated (tonnes/year) """ isw_to_incin = isw_total * isw_type_frac * isw_frac_to_incin return isw_to_incin