Source code for bonsai_ipcc.uncertainties

Chapter 3 (Uncertainties) of Volume 1 (General Guidance and Reporting)

Min and max values provided by the IPCC guidelines are considerred to be
2.5th and 97.5th percentile, respectively (p 3.9).

Two ways of uncertainty propagation are implemented: analytical error propagation and Monte Carlo simulation.
If analytical error propagation is choosen, asymmetric parameter ranges are transferred by a simple rule of thumb into symmetric ranges.
If Monte Carlo, propability distributions can be determined automatically in regard to the properties of the parameter (by "check").

import logging

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import beta, norm, truncexpon, truncnorm
from uncertainties import ufloat

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def two_side_trunc(mobs, sobs, vmin, vmax): """Helper function for adjusting mean and sd for two-sided truncated normal distribution. Given observed mean m, std-dev s, lower and upper bounds, vmin and vmax, (all floats) such that: vmin < mobs < vmax, and 0.0 < sobs < min(mobs - vmin, vmax - mobs) Argument -------- mobs : float observed mean sobs : float observed standard deviation vmin : float absolut minimum vmax : float absolut maximum Returns ------- VALUES: float, float adjusted mean, adjusted standard deviation """ if not isinstance(mobs, float): raise TypeError(f"Observed mean is not float: {type(mobs)}") if not isinstance(sobs, float): raise TypeError(f"Observed std-dev is not float: {type(sobs)}") if not isinstance(vmin, float): raise TypeError(f"Observed lower bound is not float: {type(vmin)}") if not isinstance(vmax, float): raise TypeError(f"Observed upper bound is not float: {type(vmax)}") if mobs <= vmin: raise ValueError( f"Observed mean is not larger than " f"lower bound: {mobs} <= {vmin}" ) if vmax <= mobs: raise ValueError( f"Observed mean is not lower than " f"lower bound: {vmax} <= {mobs}" ) if sobs <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Observed std-dev is not positive: {mobs}") if (sobs >= (mobs - vmin)) and ((mobs - vmin) < (vmax - mobs)): raise ValueError( f"Observed std-dev is too large: " f"{sobs} > {mobs - vmin}\nWhile mean closer " f"to lower bound: {(mobs - vmin)} < " f"{(vmax - mobs)}" ) if (sobs >= (vmax - mobs)) and ((mobs - vmin) < (vmax - mobs)): raise ValueError( f"Observed std-dev is too large: " f"{sobs} > {vmax - mobs}\nWhile mean closer " f"to upper bound: {(mobs - vmin)} > " f"{(vmax - mobs)}" ) if ( (mobs - vmin) < (vmax - mobs) and sobs / (mobs - vmin) > 0.3 and sobs / (mobs - vmin) < 1.167 - 1.69 * (mobs - vmin) ): # print('truncated left') mtmp, stmp = one_side_trunc(mobs - vmin, sobs) return vmin + mtmp, stmp elif ( (mobs - vmin) > (vmax - mobs) and sobs / (vmax - mobs) > 0.3 and sobs / (vmax - mobs) < 1.167 - 1.69 * (vmax - mobs) ): # print('truncated right') mtmp, stmp = one_side_trunc(vmax - mobs, sobs) return vmax - mtmp, stmp else: # print('non-truncated') return mobs, sobs
[docs] def one_side_trunc(mobs, sobs): """Helper function for adjusting mean and sd for one-sided truncated normal distribution. Given observed mean m > 0.0 and std-dev, 0.0 < s < m, return parameter mean and std-dev of one-sided truncated Gaussian distribution X, with X > 0.0 Rodrigues 2015, Maximum-Entropy Prior Uncertainty and Correlation of Statistical Economic Data: Supplementary Informatiom. Argument -------- mobs : float observed mean sobs : float observed standard deviation Returns ------- VALUES: float, float adjusted mean, adjusted standard deviation """ if not isinstance(mobs, float): raise TypeError(f"Observed mean is not float: {type(mobs)}") if not isinstance(sobs, float): raise TypeError(f"Observed std-dev is not float: {type(sobs)}") if mobs <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Observed mean is not positive: {mobs}") if sobs <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Observed std-dev is not positive: {mobs}") if sobs >= mobs: raise ValueError( f"Observed std-dev is not smaller than " f"observed mean: {sobs} > {mobs}" ) cm1 = 0.937492 cm2 = 1.78863 cm3 = 7.13173 cm4 = 5.42261 cg1 = 0.468838 cg2 = 0.118555 cg3 = 0.00235939 cs1 = 0.546626 cs2 = 0.439319 cs3 = 1.83447 cr1 = 0.83179 cr2 = 0.617251 cr3 = 6.3836 def gm(u): tmp0 = cm4 + cm3 * abs(u - cm1) ** cm2 tmp1 = cg3 / cg2 * norm.pdf((u - cg1) / cg2) res = 1.0 - (1.0) / (1.0 - u) * np.exp(-(1.0 - u) * tmp0) + tmp1 return res def gs(u): return (1.0 - u) * cs3 / cs2 * norm.pdf((u - cs1) / cs2) def gr(u): return (1.0 - u) * cr3 / cr2 * norm.pdf((u - cr1) / cr2) - 1.0 uobs = sobs / mobs if uobs < 0.3: return mobs, sobs else: pass mpar = mobs * gm(uobs) if uobs <= 0.8: spar = sobs / np.sqrt(gs(uobs)) else: spar = -sobs * gm(uobs) / np.sqrt(gm(uobs) * gr(uobs)) return mpar, spar
[docs] def analytical(min95, max95): """ Creates ufloat value to be used in error propagation. Simple asumption of normal distribution. Argument -------- min : float 2.5th percentile max : float 97.5th percentile Returns ------- VALUE: ufloat """ mean = (min95 + max95) / 2 sd = (max95 - mean) / 1.96 return ufloat(mean, sd)
[docs] def monte_carlo( min95, max95, default=None, abs_min=None, abs_max=None, size=1000, distribution="check", ): """ Creates numpy array of random numbers to be used in monte carlo simulation. Choices of different distributions possible. Argument --------- min : float 2.5th percentile max : float 97.5th percentile default : float default value (mean) abs_min : float theoretic lower bound of parameter abs_max : float theoretic upper bound of parameter distribution : str Specifies type of density distribution. 'normal', 'lognormal', 'truncnormal', 'uniform', 'check' for automatized choice size : int Number of random numbers to be generated. Returns ------- VALUE: numpy.array """ if distribution == "normal": mean = (min95 + max95) / 2 sd = (max95 - mean) / 1.96 return np.random.normal(mean, sd, size) elif distribution == "lognormal": if min95 == 0 and max95 == 0: return 0 else: mean = (np.log(min95) + np.log(max95)) / 2 sd = (np.log(max95) - mean) / 1.96 return np.random.lognormal(mean, sd, size) elif distribution == "truncnormal": if min95 == 0 and max95 == 0: return 0 else: mean = (min95 + max95) / 2 sd = (max95 - mean) / 1.96 a, b = (min95 - mean) / sd, (max95 - mean) / sd return truncnorm.rvs(a, b, size=size, loc=mean, scale=sd) elif distribution == "uniform": return np.random.uniform(low=abs_min, high=abs_max, size=size) # Do some checks and chose the distribution elif distribution == "check": if ( not isinstance(min95, (int, float, np.int64, np.float64)) and not isinstance(max95, (int, float, np.int64, np.float64)) and not isinstance(default, (int, float, np.int64, np.float64)) ):"uniform distribution") return np.random.uniform(low=abs_min, high=abs_max, size=size) else: # adjust if mean equals the upper bound mean = (max95 + min95) / 2 sd = (max95 - min95) / (2 * 1.96) if (sd == 0.0 or mean == 0.0) and mean != abs_max:"no uncertainty in value") return mean elif sd == 0.0 and mean == 0.0:"no uncertainty in value") return mean elif abs_min == 0.0 and abs_max == np.inf: if min95 == abs_min: min95 = mean * 0.99 # otherwise numeric issues"lognormal distribution") mean = (np.log(min95) + np.log(max95)) / 2 sd = (np.log(max95) - mean) / 1.96 return np.random.lognormal(mean, sd, size) elif abs_min == 0.0 and abs_max == 1.0: if max(sd / (mean - abs_min), sd / (abs_max - mean)) <= 0.3:"normal distribution, lower uncertainty") return np.random.normal(mean, sd, size) elif ( max(sd / (mean - abs_min), sd / (abs_max - mean)) == 1.0 and mean > 0.7 ):"truncated exponential distribution (inv)") return 1 - truncexpon( b=(abs_max - abs_min) / sd, loc=abs_min, scale=sd ) elif ( max(sd / (mean - abs_min), sd / (abs_max - mean)) == 1.0 and mean < 0.3 ):"truncated exponential distribution") return truncexpon(b=(abs_max - abs_min) / sd, loc=abs_min, scale=sd) elif ( max(sd / (mean - abs_min), sd / (abs_max - mean)) > 0.3 and max(sd / (mean - abs_min), sd / (abs_max - mean)) <= 0.8 and (mean < 0.3 or mean > 0.7) ): "truncated normal distribution with adjusting based on Rodriques 2015 (moderate)" ) a = (abs_min - mean) / sd b = (abs_max - mean) / sd new_mean, new_sd = two_side_trunc(mean, sd, abs_min, abs_max) a = (abs_min - new_mean) / new_sd b = (abs_max - new_mean) / new_sd return truncnorm.rvs(a, b, size=size, loc=new_mean, scale=new_sd) elif max(sd / (mean - abs_min), sd / (abs_max - mean)) > 0.8 and ( mean <= 0.3 or mean > 0.7 ): "truncated normal distribution with adjusting based on Rodriques 2015 (high)" ) a = (abs_min - mean) / sd b = (abs_max - mean) / sd new_mean, new_sd = two_side_trunc(mean, sd, abs_min, abs_max) a = (abs_min - new_mean) / new_sd b = (abs_max - new_mean) / new_sd return truncnorm.rvs(a, b, size=size, loc=new_mean, scale=new_sd) elif ( max(sd / (mean - abs_min), sd / (abs_max - mean)) > 0.3 and max(sd / (mean - abs_min), sd / (abs_max - mean)) <= 0.8 and (mean > 0.3 and mean <= 0.7) ):"truncated normal distribution") a = (abs_min - mean) / sd b = (abs_max - mean) / sd return truncnorm.rvs(a, b, size=size, loc=mean, scale=sd) elif ( max(sd / (mean - abs_min), sd / (abs_max - mean)) > 0.8 and max(sd / (mean - abs_min), sd / (abs_max - mean)) < 1.0 and (mean > 0.3 and mean <= 0.7) ):"beta distribution (Danger zone 2 needs adjustment)") a = (((1 - mean) / (sd**2)) - (1 / mean)) * mean**2 b = a * ((1 / mean) - 1) return beta.rvs(a, b, size=size) else: raise NotImplementedError("Rule is required") return