Source code for bonsai_ipcc.core

import inspect
import re
from importlib.resources import open_binary

import yaml

from . import agriculture, industry, waste

[docs] class IPCC: def __init__(self): self.waste = waste self.agriculture = agriculture self.industry = industry # TODO: when specifying sequence in yaml config, this needs revision
[docs] @staticmethod def inspect(func): """Get the required parameters of a tier method. Argument -------- func : function tier sequence of a volume, chapter Returns ------- VALUE: list of str parameter names """ s = inspect.getsource(func) parameters = list(set(re.findall('table="([a-z,_,A-Z,0-9,-]+)', s))) return parameters
[docs] @staticmethod def metadata(volume, chapter, parameter): """Get the metadata of a parameter. Argument -------- volume : string volume name chapter : string chapter name paramater : string parameter name Returns ------- VALUE: dict metadata pointing to the source in the IPCC pdf documents (year, volume, chapter, page, equation) """ with open_binary("", "ipcc.datapackage.yaml") as fp: metadata = yaml.load(fp, Loader=yaml.Loader) for k in range(len(metadata["resources"])): if ( metadata["resources"][k]["path"] == f"{volume}/{chapter}/par_{parameter}.csv" ): d = metadata["resources"][k] try: return d except UnboundLocalError: raise KeyError( f"parameter '{parameter}' for volume '{volume}', chapter '{chapter}' not found in the metadata" )