Source code for bonsai_ipcc.agriculture.soils.elementary

from ..generic.elementary import delta_c_mineral, n2o, soc
from ..livestock_manure.elementary import n_mms, nex_tier1_


[docs] def n2o_n_direct(n2o_n_inputs, n2o_n_os, n2o_n_prp): """ Equation 11.1 DIRECT N2O EMISSIONS as N FROM MANAGED SOILS (TIER 1) Argument -------- n2o_n_inputs (kg/year) : float annual direct N 2O–N emissions produced from managed soils. n2o_n_os (kg/year) : float annual direct N 2O–N emissions from N inputs to managed soils. n2o_n_prp (kg/kg) : float annual direct N 2O–N emissions from managed organic soil. Returns ------- VALUE: float DIRECT N2O EMISSIONS FROM MANAGED SOILS as N (kg/year) """ n2o_n_direct = n2o_n_inputs + n2o_n_os + n2o_n_prp return n2o_n_direct
[docs] def n2o_n_inputs(f_sn, f_on, f_cr, f_som, ef1): """ Equation 11.1 annual direct N 2O–N emissions from N inputs to managed soil (tier1) also applicable for rice. Argument -------- f_sn (kg/year) : float annual amount of synthetic fertiliser N applied to soils f_on (kg/year) : float annual amount of animal manure, compost, sewage sludge and other organic N additions applied to soils f_cr (kg/year) : float annual amount of N in crop residues f_som (kg/year) : float annual amount of N in mineral soils that is mineralised, in association with loss of soil C from soil organic matter as a result of changes to land use or management ef1 (kg/kg) : float emission factor for N2O emissions from N inputs (also for rice) Returns ------- VALUE: float n2o_n_inputs (kg/year) """ n2o_n_inputs = (f_sn + f_on + f_cr + f_som) * ef1 return n2o_n_inputs
[docs] def n2o_n_os(f_os, ef2): """ Equation 11.1 annual direct N2O–N emissions from managed organic soils (tier1) modified - different sub-paramaters are merged into two. Argument -------- f_os (ha) : float annual area of managed/drained organic soils ef2 (kg/ha/year) : float emission factor for N 2O emissions from drained/managed organic soil Returns ------- VALUE: float n2o_n_os (kg/year) """ n2o_n_os = f_os * ef2 return n2o_n_os
[docs] def n2o_n_prp(f_prp, ef3): """ Equation 11.1 annual direct N2O–N emissions from urine and dung inputs to grazed soil (tier1) modified - different sub-paramaters are merged into two. Argument -------- f_prp (kg/yr) : float annual amount of urine and dung N deposited by grazing animals on pasture, range and paddock ef3 (kg/kg) : float emission factor for N2O emissions from urine and dung N deposited on pasture, range and paddock by grazing animals Returns ------- VALUE: float n2o_n_prp (kg/year) """ n2o_n_prp = f_prp * ef3 return n2o_n_prp
[docs] def f_on(f_am, f_sew, f_comp, f_ooa): """ Equation 11.3 N FROM ORGANIC N ADDITIONS APPLIED TO SOILS (tier1) Argument -------- f_am (kg/year) : float total annual amount of organic N fertiliser applied to soils other than by grazing animals f_sew (kg/year) : float annual amount of animal manure N applied to soils f_comp (kg/year) : float annual amount of total sewage N f_ooa (kg/year) : float annual amount of total compost N applied to soils Returns ------- VALUE: float f_on (kg/year) """ f_on = f_am + f_sew + f_comp + f_ooa return f_on
[docs] def f_am(n_mms, frac_feed, frac_fuel, frac_cnst): """ Equation 11.4 N FROM ANIMAL MANURE APPLIED TO SOILS (tier1) Argument -------- n_mms (kg/year) : float amount of managed manure N available for soil application, feed, fuel or construction frac_feed (kg/kg) : float fraction of managed manure used for feed frac_fuel (kg/kg) : float fraction of managed manure used for fuel frac_cnst (kg/kg) : float fraction of managed manure used for construction Returns ------- VALUE: float f_on (kg/year) """ f_on = n_mms * (1 - (frac_feed + frac_fuel + frac_cnst)) return f_on
[docs] def f_cr(crop, r_ag, area, n_ag, frac_remove, frac_burnt, frac_renew, c_f, rs, n_bg): """ Equation 11.6 N FROM CROP RESIDUES AND FORAGE /PASTURE RENEWAL (TIER 1) Argument -------- crop (kg/ha/year) : float harvested annual dry matter yield for crop r_ag (kg//ha/year) : float ratio of above-ground residue dry matter to harvested yield for crop area (ha/year) : float total annual area harvested of crop frac_renew (kg/kg) : float fraction of total area under crop T that is renewed annually frac_burnt (kg/kg) : float fraction of annual harvested area of crop frac_remove (kg/kg) : float fraction of above-ground residues of crop removed annually for purposes such as feed, bedding and construction c_f (kg/kg) : float combustion factor rs (kg/ha) : float ratio+ of below-ground root biomass to above-ground shoot biomass for crop n_bg (kg/kg) : float N content of below-ground residues for crop Returns ------- VALUE: float f_cr (kg/year) """ f_cr = crop * r_ag * n_ag * (1 - frac_remove - (frac_burnt * c_f)) + ( (crop + crop * r_ag) * rs * area * frac_renew * n_bg ) return f_cr
[docs] def crop(yield_fresh, dry): """ Equation 11.7 DRY- WEIGHT CORRECTION OF REPORTED CROP YIELDS (tier1) Argument -------- yield_fresh (kg/ha) : float harvested fresh yield for crop dry (kg/kg) : float dry matter fraction of harvested crop Returns ------- VALUE: float crop (kg/ha) """ crop = yield_fresh * dry return crop
[docs] def f_prp(n, nex, ms): """ Equation 11.5 N IN URINE AND DUNG DEPOSITED BY GRAZING ANIMALS ON PASTURE, RANGE AND PADDOCK (tier1) Argument -------- n (species/yr) : float umber of head of livestock species/category in the country nex (kg/species/yr) : float annual average N excretion per head of species/category in the country Returns ------- VALUE: float f_prp (kg/yr) """ f_prp = n * nex * ms return f_prp
[docs] def f_som(delta_c_mineral, r): """ Equation 11.8 N MINERALISED IN MINERAL SOILS AS A RESULT OF LOSS OF SOIL C THROUGH CHANGE IN LAND USE OR MANAGEMENT (TIERS 1 AND 2) Argument -------- delta_c (t/yr) : float average annual loss of soil carbon for each land-use type r (t/t) : float C:N ratio of the soil organic matter Returns ------- VALUE: float f_som (kg/yr) """ f_som = delta_c_mineral * 1 / r * 1000 return f_som