Source code for bonsai_ipcc.agriculture.livestock_manure.elementary


[docs] def n2o_direct_mm(n, nex, ms, ef): """ Equation 10.25 Calculates the N20 for manure treatment Contrary to equations in guidelines, no summation over treatment types. Argument -------- n (piece/year) : float number of head of livestock. nex (kg/piece/year) : float annual average N excretion per head of species ms (kg/kg) : float fraction of total annual nitrogen excrection for each livestock spiecies ef (kg/kg) : float emission factor for direct N2O emissions from manure management system, kg N2O / kg N Returns ------- VALUE: float direct N20 emissions from manure management (kg/year) """ n2o_direct_mm = n * nex * ms * ef * 44 / 28 return n2o_direct_mm
[docs] def nex_tier1_(n_rate, tam): """ Equation 10.30 Annual N excretion rate (tier1) Argument -------- n_rate (kg/t/day) : float default N excreation rate tam (kg/piece) : float typical animal mass for species Returns ------- VALUE: float nex (kg/piece/year) """ nex = n_rate * tam / 1000 * 365 return nex
[docs] def nex_atier2_(n_intake, n_retention_frac): """ Equation 10.31a Annual N excretion rate (tier2) Argument -------- n_intake (kg/piece/day) : float the daily N intake per head of animal of species n_retention_frac (kg/kg) : float fraction of daily N intake that is retained by animal species Returns ------- VALUE: float nex_tier2 (kg/piece/year) """ nex = n_intake * (1 - n_retention_frac) * 365 return nex
[docs] def nex_btier2_(n_intake, n_retention): """ Equation 10.31a Annual N excretion rate (tier2) Argument -------- n_intake (kg/piece/day) : float the daily N intake per head of animal of species n_retention (kg/piece) : float typical animal mass for species Returns ------- VALUE: float nex_tier2_a (kg/piece/year) """ nex = (n_intake - n_retention) * 365 return nex
[docs] def nretention_cattletier2_(milk, milk_pr, wg, ne): """ Equation 10.33 N retention rates for cattle (tier2) Argument -------- milk (kg/piece/day) : float milk production milk_pr (kg/kg) : float percent of protein in milk wg (kg/day) : float weight gain, input for each livestock category ne (MJ/day) : float net energy for growth, calculated in livestock characterisation Returns ------- VALUE: float n_retention (kg/piece/year) """ n_retention = ((milk * milk_pr / 100) / 6.38) + ( wg * (268 - (7.03 * ne / wg) / 1000) / 6.25 ) return n_retention
[docs] def nretention_sowtier2_(fr, litsize, ckg, n_wp): """ Equation 10.33a N retention rates for breeding sows (tier2) Argument -------- fr (piece/year) : float fertility rate litsize (piece) : float litter size ckg (kg/piece) : float live wight of piglets at birth n_wp (kg/piece/year) : float amount of N in piglets weaned calculated as i eq.10.33 Returns ------- VALUE: float n_retention (kg/piece/year) """ n_retention = (0.025 * fr * litsize * ckg / 0.806) + n_wp return n_retention
[docs] def nretention_piglettier2_(litsize, fr, wkg, ckg): """ Equation 10.33b N retention rates for piglets (tier2) Argument -------- litsize (pieces) : int litter size, heads per birth fr (1/year) : float fertility rate of sows per year wkg (kg/piece) : float live weight of piglets at weaning ckg (kg/piece) : float live weight of piglets at birth Returns ------- VALUE: float n_retention_b (kg/piece/year) """ n_retention = 0.025 * litsize * fr * (wkg - ckg) / 0.98 return n_retention
[docs] def nretention_growingtier2_(bw_final, bw_initial, n_gain): """ Equation 10.33c N retention rates for growing pigs (tier2) Argument -------- bw_final (kg) : float live weight of the animal at the end of the growth stage bw_initial (kg) : float live weight of the animal at the beginning of the growth stage n_gain (kg/kg) : float fraction of N retained at a given BW per defined growth stage Returns ------- VALUE: float n_retention_c (kg/piece/year) """ n_retention = (bw_final - bw_initial) * n_gain return n_retention
[docs] def nretention_hentier2_(n_lw, wg, n_egg, egg): """ Equation 10.33d N retention rates for layer type hens (tier2) Argument -------- n_lw (kg/kg) : float average content of nitrogen in live weight wg (kg/piece/day) : float average daily weight gain n_egg (g/piece) : float average content of nitrogen in eggs egg (g/piece/day) : float egg mass production Returns ------- VALUE: float n_retention_d (kg/piece/year) """ n_retention = n_lw * wg + ((n_egg * egg) / 1000) return n_retention
[docs] def nretention_pullettier2_(bw_final, bw_initial, n_gain, production_period): """ Equation 10.33e N retention rates for pullets or broilers (tier2) Argument -------- bw_final (kg) : float live weight of the animal at the end of the growth stage bw_initial (kg) : float live weight of the animal at the beginning of the growth stage n_gain (kg/kg) : float fraction of N retained at a given BW per defined growth stage production_period (days) : float length of time from chick to slaughter Returns ------- VALUE: float n_retention_e (kg/piece/year) """ n_retention = (bw_final - bw_initial) * n_gain / production_period return n_retention
[docs] def nintake_cattletier2_(ge, cp): """ Equation 10.32 N intake rates for cattle, sheep and goats (tier2), per animal and growth stage Argument -------- ge (MJ/piece/year) : float gross energy intake of the animal cp (kg/kg) : float percent crude protein in dry matter for growth stage Returns ------- VALUE: float n_intake (kg/piece/day) """ n_intake = ge / 18.45 * (cp / 6.25) return n_intake
[docs] def nintake_swinetier2_(dmi, cp): """ Equation 10.32a N intake rates for swine and poultry (tier2), per animal and growth stage Argument -------- dmi (kg/piece/day) : float dry matter intake per day during a specific growth stage cp (kg/kg) : float percent crude protein in dry matter for growth stage Returns ------- VALUE: float n_intake (kg/piece/day) """ n_intake = dmi * (cp / 6.25) return n_intake
[docs] def ge_cattletier2_(ne_m, ne_a, ne_l, ne_work, ne_p, rem, de, ne_g, reg): """ Equation 10.16 (distinguished between cattle and sheep) Gross energy for cattle/buffalo (tier2) Argument -------- ne_a (MJ/day) : float net energy for lanimal activity ne_l (MJ/day) : float net energy for lactation ne_work (MJ/day) : float net energy for work ne_p (MJ/day) : float net energy for pregnancy ne_g (MJ/day) : float net energy for growth rem (MJ/MJ) : float ratio of net energy available in a diet for maintenance to digestible energy reg (MJ/MJ) : float ratio of net energy available for growthin a diet to digestible energy consumed de (MJ/MJ) : float digestiblilty of feed expressed as a fraction of gross energy Returns ------- VALUE: float ge_cattle (MJ/piece/day) """ ge_cattle = (((ne_m + ne_a + ne_l + ne_work + ne_p) / rem) + ((ne_g) / reg)) / de return ge_cattle
[docs] def ge_sheeptier2_(ne_m, ne_a, ne_l, ne_p, rem, de, ne_g, ne_wool, reg): """ Equation 10.16 (distinguished between cattle and sheep) Gross energy for sheep and goats (tier2) Argument -------- ne_a (MJ/day) : float net energy for lanimal activity ne_l (MJ/day) : float net energy for lactation ne_p (MJ/day) : float net energy for pregnancy ne_wool (MJ/day) : float net energy for producing a year of wool ne_g (MJ/day) : float net energy for growth rem (MJ/MJ) : float ratio of net energy available in a diet for maintenance to digestible energy reg (MJ/MJ) : float ratio of net energy available for growthin a diet to digestible energy consumed de (MJ/MJ) : float digestiblilty of feed expressed as a fraction of gross energy Returns ------- VALUE: float ge_sheep (MJ/piece/day) """ ge_sheep = (((ne_m + ne_a + ne_l + ne_p) / rem) + ((ne_g + ne_wool) / reg)) / de return ge_sheep
[docs] def ge_fromdmi_(dmi): """ Equation 10.x (information in text) Conversion from dry matter intake to gross energy. (default factor) Argument -------- dmi (kg/piece/day) : float dry matter intake Returns ------- VALUE : float gross energy (MJ/piece/day) """ ge_fromdmi_ = 18.45 * dmi return ge_fromdmi_
[docs] def ne_m(cf_i, weight): """ Equation 10.3 Net energy for maintenance (tier2) Argument -------- cf_i (MJ/day/kg) : float coefficient for calculating NE_M weight (kg/piece) : float live-weight of animal Returns ------- VALUE: float ne_m (MJ/piece/day) """ ne_m = cf_i * weight**0.76 return ne_m
[docs] def nea_cattle_(c_a, ne_m): """ Equation 10.4 Net energy for activity, for cattle and buffalo (tier2) Argument -------- c_a (MJ/MJ) : float coefficient corresponding to animals feeding situation ne_m (MJ/piece/day) : float net energy required by the animal maintenance Returns ------- VALUE: float ne_a_cattle (MJ/day) """ nea = c_a * ne_m return nea
[docs] def nea_sheep_(c_a, weight): """ Equation 10.5 Net energy for activity, for sheep and goats (tier2) Argument -------- c_a (MJ/day/kg) : float coefficient corresponding to animals feeding situation weight (kg/piece) : float live-weight of animal Returns ------- VALUE: float ne_a_sheep (MJ/day) """ nea = c_a * weight return nea
[docs] def neg_cattle_(bw, mw, wg, c): """ Equation 10.6 Net energy for growth, for cattle and buffalo (tier2) Argument -------- bw (kg/piece) : float average body live-weight of the population mw (kg/piece) : float mature body live-weight of an adult animal individually, mature females, mature males and steers) in moderate body condition wg (kg/piece/day) : float the average daily weight gain of the animals in the population c (MJ/MJ) : float coefficient for distinguishing sex and age Returns ------- VALUE: float ne_g (MJ/piece/day) """ neg = 22.02 * (bw / (c * mw)) ** 0.75 * wg**1.097 return neg
[docs] def neg_sheep_(bw_i, bw_f, a, b): """ Equation 10.7 Net energy for growth, for sheeps and goats (tier2) Argument -------- bw_i (kg/piece) : float body live-weight at weaning bw_f (kg/piece) : float the live bodyweight at 1-year old or at slaughter (live-weight) if slaughtered prior to 1 year of age a (MJ/kg) : float constant for calculating NE_G b (MJ/kg) : float constant for calculating NE_G Returns ------- VALUE: float ne_g (MJ/piece/day) """ neg = (bw_f - bw_i) * (a + 0.5 * b * (bw_i + bw_f)) / 365 return neg
[docs] def nel_cattle_(milk, fat): """ Equation 10.8 Net energy for lactation, for beef cattle, dairy cattle and buffalo (tier2) Argument -------- milk (kg/piece/day) : float amount of milk produced fat (kg/kg) : float fat content of milk, percent by weight Returns ------- VALUE: float ne_l_cattle (MJ/piece/day) """ nel = milk * (1.47 + 0.4 * fat) return nel
[docs] def nel_asheep_(milk, ev_milk): """ Equation 10.9 Net energy for lactation, for sheep and goats - known milk production (tier2) argument -------- milk (kg/piece/day) : float amount of milk produced ev_milk (kg/kg) : float net energy required to produce 1 liter of milk Returns ------- VALUE: float ne_l_sheep_a (MJ/piece/day) """ nel = milk * ev_milk return nel
[docs] def nel_bsheep_(wg_wean, ev_milk): """ Equation 10.10 Net energy for lactation, for sheep and goats - unknown milk production (tier2) Argument -------- wg_wean (kg/piece) : float weight gain of the lamb between birth and weaning ev_milk (kg/kg) : float net energy required to produce 1 liter of milk Returns ------- VALUE: float ne_l_sheep_b (MJ/piece/day) """ nel_sheep_b = ev_milk * (5 * wg_wean) / 365 return nel_sheep_b
[docs] def ne_work(ne_m, hours): """ Equation 10.11 Net energy for work, cattle and buffalo (tier2) Argument -------- ne_m (MJ/piece/day) : float net energy required by the animal for maintenance hours (h/day) : float number of hours of work per day Returns ------- VALUE: float ne_work (MJ/piece/day) """ ne_work = 0.1 * ne_m * hours return ne_work
[docs] def ne_wool(ev_wool, pr_wool): """ Equation 10.12 Net energy to produce wool, for sheep and goats (tier2) Argument -------- ev_wool (MJ/kg) : float the energy value of each kg of wool pr_wool (kg/piece/year) : float annula wool production per sheep or goat Returns ------- VALUE: float ne_wool (MJ/piece/day) """ ne_wool = ev_wool * pr_wool / 365 return ne_wool
[docs] def ne_p(c_pregnancy, ne_m, ratio_preg): """ Equation 10.13 (adopted, due to text information) Net energy for pregnancy, cattle and buffalo and sheep and goats (tier2) Argument -------- c_pregnancy (MJ/piece/day) : float pregnancy coefficient ne_m (h/day) : float net energy required by the animal for maintenance ratio_preg (piece/piece) : float ratio of animals of species type that gave birth over the year (introduced due to information in text) Returns ------- VALUE: float ne_p (MJ/piece/day) """ ne_p = c_pregnancy * ne_m * ratio_preg return ne_p
[docs] def rem(de): """ Equation 10.14 Ratio of net energy available in diet for mainzenance to digestible energy (tier2) Argument -------- de (MJ/MJ) : float digestibility of feed expressed as a fraction of gross energy Returns ------- VALUE: float rem (MJ/MJ) """ rem = (1.123 - 0.004092) + ((0.00001126 * (de * 100) ** 2) - (25.4 / (de * 100))) return rem
[docs] def reg(de): """ Equation 10.15 Ratio of net energy available for growth in diet to digestible energy consumed (tier2) Argument -------- de (MJ/MJ) : float digestibility of feed expressed as a fraction of gross energy Returns ------- VALUE: float reg (MJ/MJ) """ reg = ( 1.164 - (5.16 * 10 ** (-3)) + (1.308 * 10 ** (-5) * (de * 100) ** 2) - (37.4 / (de * 100)) ) return reg
[docs] def n_volatilization(n, nex, awms, frac_gas): """ Equation 10.26 N losses due to volatisation from manure management Argument -------- n (piece/year) : float number of head of livestock species nex (kg/piece/year) : float annual average n excretion per head of species awms (kg/kg) : float fraction of total annual nitrogen excretion for each livestock frac_gas (kg/kg) : float fraction of managed manure nitrogen for livestock that volatilises as NH3 and NOx in the manure managemnet system Returns ------- VALUE: float n_volatilization (kg/yearJ) """ n_volatilization = (n * nex * awms) * frac_gas return n_volatilization
[docs] def n_leaching(n, nex, awms, frac_leach): """ Equation 10.27 N losses due to leaching from manure management Argument -------- n (piece/year) : float number of head of livestock species nex (kg/piece/year) : float annual average n excretion per head of species awms (kg/kg) : float fraction of total annual nitrogen excretion for each livestock frac_leach (kg/kg) : float fraction of managed manure nitrogen for livestock that is leached from the manure managemnet system Returns ------- VALUE: float n_leaching (kg/year) """ n_leaching = (n * nex * awms) * frac_leach return n_leaching
[docs] def n2o_g(n_volatilization, ef4): """ Equation 10.28 indirect N2O emissions due to volatilisation of N from manure management Argument -------- n_volatilization (kg/year) : float n losses due to volatilization ef4 (kg/kg) : float emission factor for N2O emissions from atmospheric deposition of nitrogen on soils and water Returns ------- VALUE: float n2o_g (kg/year) """ n2o_g = n_volatilization * ef4 * 44 / 28 return n2o_g
[docs] def n2o_l(n_leaching, ef5): """ Equation 10.29 indirect N2O emissions due to leaching from manure management Argument -------- n_leaching(kg/year) : float n losses due to leaching ef5 (kg/kg) : float emission factor for N2O emissions from nitrogen leaching Returns ------- VALUE: float n2o_l (kg/year) """ n2o_l = n_leaching * ef5 * 44 / 28 return n2o_l
# TODO: use animal type as argument and merge functions into one (use startswith statements from sequneces)
[docs] def dmi_calve_(ne_mf, bw): """ Equation 10.17 Estimation of dry matter intake for calves Argument -------- ne_mf (MJ/kg) : float estimated dietary net energy concentration of diet bw (kg/piece) : float live body weight Returns ------- VALUE: float dmi (kg/day) """ dmi = ( bw**0.75 * (0.0582 * ne_mf - 0.00266 * ne_mf**2 - 0.1128) / (0.239 * ne_mf) ) return dmi
[docs] def dmi_growing_(ne_mf, bw): """ Equation 10.18 ESTIMATION OF DRY MATTER INTAKE FOR GROWING CATTLE Argument -------- ne_mf (MJ/kg) : float estimated dietary net energy concentration of diet bw (kg/piece) : float live body weight Returns ------- VALUE: float dmi (kg/day) """ dmi = ( bw**0.75 * (0.0582 * ne_mf - 0.00266 * ne_mf**2 - 0.0869) / (0.239 * ne_mf) ) return dmi
[docs] def dmi_steer_(bw): """ Equation 10.18a1 ESTIMATION OF DRY MATTER INTAKE FOR STEERS AND BULLS Argument -------- bw (kg/piece) : float live body weight Returns ------- VALUE: float dmi (kg/day) """ dmi = 3.83 + 0.0143 * bw * 0.96 return dmi
[docs] def dmi_heifer_(bw): """ Equation 10.18a2 ESTIMATION OF DRY MATTER INTAKE FOR HEIFERS Argument -------- bw (kg/piece) : float live body weight Returns ------- VALUE: float dmi (kg/day) """ dmi = 3.184 + 0.01536 * bw * 0.96 return dmi
[docs] def dmi_lactating_(bw, fcm): """ Equation 10.18b ESTIMATION OF DRY MATTER INTAKE FOR LACTATING DAIRY COWS Argument -------- bw (kg/piece) : float live body weight fcm (kg/day) : float fat corrected milk Returns ------- VALUE: float dmi_lactating (kg/day) """ dmi = 0.0185 * bw + 0.305 * fcm return dmi
[docs] def fcm(milk, fat): """ Equation added. Parameter in eq. 10.18 Fat corrected milk Argument -------- milk (kg/piece/day) : float milk yield fat (kg/day) : float fat content Returns ------- VALUE: float fcm (kg/day) """ fcm = 3.5 * (0.4324 * milk + 16.216 * (fat)) return fcm
[docs] def e(ef, n): """ Equation 10.19 (Tier 1) ENTERIC FERMENTATION EMISSIONS FROM A LIVESTOCK CATEGORY Argument -------- ef (kg/piece/year) : float emission factor for the defined livestock population n (piece/year) : float the number of head of livestock species Returns ------- VALUE: float e (Gg/year) CH4 emission """ e = ef * n / (10**6) return e
[docs] def ef_atier2_(ge, ym): """ Equation 10.21 (Tier 2) METHANE EMISSION FACTORS FOR ENTERIC FERMENTATION FROM A LIVESTOCK CATEGORY Argument -------- ge (MJ/piece/year) : float gross energy intake ym (MJ/MJ) : float methane conversion factor, as ratio of gross energy in feed converted to methane Returns ------- VALUE: float ef (kg/piece/year) """ ef = ge * ym * 365 / 55.65 return ef
[docs] def ef_btier2_(dmi, my): """ Equation 10.21a (Tier 2, simplified) METHANE EMISSION FACTORS FOR ENTERIC FERMENTATION FROM A LIVESTOCK CATEGORY Argument -------- dmi (kg/piece/day) : float dry matter intake my (g/kg) : float methane yield Returns ------- VALUE: float ef_a (kg(piece/year) """ ef = dmi * my / 1000 * 365 return ef
[docs] def ch4_mm(n, vs, awms, ef): """ Equation 10.22 (Tier 1) METHANE EMISSION FACTORS FOR ENTERIC FERMENTATION FROM A LIVESTOCK CATEGORY Argument -------- n (piece/year) : float number of head of livestock species vs (kg/piece/year) : float annual average vs excretion per head of species awms (piece/piece) : float fraction of total annual vs for each livestock species ef (g/kg) : float emission factor for direct CH4 emissions from manure management system Returns ------- VALUE: float ch4_mm (kg(piece/year) """ ch4_mm = (n * vs * awms * ef) / 1000 return ch4_mm
[docs] def vs_tier1_(vs_rate, tam): """ Equation 10.22a (Tier 1). Annual VS excretion rate Argument -------- vs_rate (kg/1000kg/day) : float default vs excretion rate tam (kg/piece) : float typical animal mass for livestock category Returns ------- VALUE: float vs (kg/piece/year) """ vs = vs_rate * tam / 1000 * 365 return vs
[docs] def ch4_other_animals(n, ef_others): """ Equation added (Tier 1). CH4 emissions from manure for other animals (deer, reindeer, rabbit, fear-bearing, ostrich) Argument -------- n (piece/year) : float number of head of livestock species ef_others (kg/piece/year) : float emission factor for direct CH4 emissions from manure for other animals Returns ------- VALUE: float ch4_other_animals (kg(piece/year) """ ch4_other_animals = n * ef_others return ch4_other_animals
[docs] def ef_mm(vs, b0, mcf, awms): """ Equation 10.23 (Tier 2). CH4 EMISSION FACTOR FROM MANURE MANAGEMENT Argument -------- vs (kg/piece/day) : float daily volatile solid excreted for livestock category b0 (m3/kg) : float maximum methane producing capacity for manure produced by livestock mcf (m3/m3) : float methane conversion factors for each manure management system awms (piece/piece) : float fraction of livestock category's manure handled using animal waste management system Returns ------- VALUE: float ef_mm (kg/piece/year) """ ef_mm = vs * 365 * b0 * 0.67 * mcf * awms return ef_mm
[docs] def vs_tier2_(ge, de, ue, ash): """ Equation 10.24 (Tier 2). VOLATILE SOLID EXCRETION RATES Argument -------- ge (MJ/piece/day) : float gross energy intake de (MJ/MJ) : float digestibility of the feed (ratio) ue (MJ/MJ) : float urinary energy fraction ash (kg/kg) : float the ash content of feed calculated as a fraction of the dry matter feed intake Returns ------- VALUE: float vs (kg/piece/day) """ vs = ge * (1 - de) + (ue * ge) * (1 - ash) / 18.45 return vs
[docs] def n_mms(n, nex, awms, n_cdg, frac_loss, n_bedding): """ Equation 10.34 (Tier 1). M ANAGED MANURE N AVAILABLE FOR APPLICATION TO MANAGED SOILS , FEED , FUEL OR CONSTRUCTION USES Argument -------- n (piece/year) : float number of head of livestock species/category in the country nex (kg/piece/year) : float annual average N excretion per animal of species/category in the country awms (kg/kg) : float fraction of total annual nitrogen excretion for each livestock species/category that is managed in manure management system in the country n_cdg (kg/year) : float amount of nitrogen from co-digestates added to biogas plants such as food wastes or purpose grown crops Returns ------- VALUE: float n_mns (kg/piece/day) """ n_mms = (n * nex * awms + n_cdg) * (1 - frac_loss) + (n * awms * n_bedding) return n_mms
[docs] def frac_loss(frac_gas, frac_leachs, frac_n2ms, ef3): """ Equation 10.34a (Tier 1). FRACTION OF MANAGED MANURE N LOST PRIOR TO APPLICATION TO MANAGED SOILS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF FEED, FUEL OR FOR CONSTRUCTION USES Argument -------- frac_gas (kg/kg) : float traction of managed manure nitrogen for livestock category that is lost by volatilisation in the manure management system frac_leachs (kg/kg) : float fraction of managed manure nitrogen for livestock category that is lost in the manure management system S by leaching or run-off frac_n2ms (kg/kg) : float fraction of total annual nitrogen excretion for each livestock species/category that is managed in manure management system in the country ef3 (kg/kg) : float emission factor for direct N2O emissions from manure management system Returns ------- VALUE: float frac_loss (kg/kg) """ frac_loss = frac_gas + frac_leachs + frac_n2ms + ef3 return frac_loss
[docs] def frac_n2ms(r_n2, ef3): """ Equation 10.34b (Tier 1). FESTIMATION OF FRAC_N2MS Argument -------- r_n2 (kg/kg) : float Ratio of N2 : N2O emission ef3 (kg/kg) : float emission factor for direct N2O emissions from manure management system in the country Returns ------- VALUE: float frac_n2ms (kg/kg) """ frac_n2ms = r_n2 * ef3 return frac_n2ms
[docs] def n2o_emissions(*n2o): """ Equation 10.x (tier 1) Total N2O emissions from all subcategories. Argument -------- n2o (kg/year) : float, list of floats N2O emissions of systems Returns ------- VALUE: float total N2O emissions (kg/year) """ n2o_emissions = 0 for n in n2o: n2o_emissions += n return n2o_emissions